Meanwhile, over at Clearly Destiny ….

So. over at Clearly Destiny, where I work Monday – Thursday, we’re starting to look at expanding our web presence. Have a look at the shop’s website:

and if you want to see the shop’s interior, have a look at one of my posts on Steemit:

I’m already offering courses in tarot, mediumshop and Enochian Angelickal Magick; these can be individually tailored for your needs as well as in class format.






Holy Fire, Batman!

Recently I did a three day training in Holy Fire Reiki, the latest modality from William Rand; it’s a phenomenally beautiful energy, gentle yet incredibly powerful (in that sense it puts me in mind of true angelic energies!). The meditations and Ignitions are remarkable (it was actually the Pre-Ignition meditation that truly floored me!) and we packed a huge amount into the three days down in Ramsgate, UK.

I’m available to perform Holy Fire Reiki healing as of now, and I’m listed on the International Centre for Reiki Training’s list of certified practitioners:

Well worth investigating, and my first experiences of using Holy Fire as a healer have been uniformly positive



The Fool steps out




Yes, that’s me. The Tarot Fool, clearly starting out a new cycle in my life, another ‘point zero’. The inevitabilities are there for all to see; but what of what one can’t see? The Fool stands at the edge of a cliff, but he looks up, not down or across. Free and unfettered, he greets the day with his minimal baggage (art least physical baggage). And so it is that this blog begins; about time, some might say. My tarot journey so far has been immensely rewarding and as I begin to offer my services as reader, another portion of the journey begins.

Join me, if you will

Platform Mediumship and the Big F

‘F’ is for ‘Fear’. The whole concept of standing in front of a group of people, having no idea what you may or may not say while you’re up there, is surely ridiculous. And yet …

We do it. Mediums, that is. Faces look up at you expectantly, and all you can do is trust.

Maybe that should be Trust with a capital ‘T’. There is no doubt that being in the energy of Spirit is one of the most transformative experiences imaginable: the problems begin with the listening. Learning just how Spirit communicates is vital, of course. But so is the ability to jump into the unknown.

Learning to deal with the ‘No’s, the shaking head, the fact that you may indeed think you are with someone and the person you are actually with is at the other end of the room, all are part and parcel of learning. Maybe it is about dissolving the ego, so that we can listen. Maybe that’s what’s most important.

There will be more, as my journey into mediumship continues. More posts and, doubtless, more ‘no’s, hopefully more ‘yes’es and successes. More healing. For that is what mediumship is, at its finest: a healing modality.

Reiki, Spirit and the Great Don’t Know

SO: the first blog post for this incarnation of my blog (perviously known as “Parsifalangel’s Blog”). There was, effectively, a brief appearance a few years ago, when this seemed a good idea but lacked direction.

Not entirely sure it has direction even yet, but follow my journey through an eclectic mix of tarot, Reiki and mediumship (both mental and physical) and mayhap you might find something of interest. You may not even believe a word of it (you know who you are). After all, spirit voices don’t really speak through trumpets, objects don’t just fly in mid air unaided and writing doesn’t just appear on paper. Neither do tables rush around a room, carrying a shedload of people around with them, while everyone sings “It’s a long way to Tipperary”.

Or do they? (all the above have happened to me) And if they do, how? Magic(k)? Weird Science (a term I just made up)?. There’s a hint here for what you might expect for the physical mediumship side anyway. And should I decide to blog about my journey into post-Lightarian Reiki, this is where it’ll be.

In the meantime,

Blessed be.